Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Woodworking: The Birdhouse Builder, by Michael Lee

This is a Kickstarter campaign, located in their Crafts/Woodworking section.

URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1861914619/the-birdhouse-builder?ref=category_featured

The campaign will end on October 12, 2014.

Is the video.

This project looks like a lot of fun.

Michael Lee wants to build bird houses and needs the funds for the following reasons:

1. Up grade my power tools to continue to build these distinctive and unique birdhouses.
2. Invest in the next available barn up-cycling opportunity ( buying or salvaging barn wood ).
3. Upgrade my work space to accommodate higher volume of work year round, bigger work and storage space, as well as heated ( wood stove using wood scraps).
4, Marketing strategy, promote web-site with SEO, Participate in craft shows, Silent auctions, and exhibitions.

Unfortunately, I live in a place where I have no room for a bird house, but I'd love to support his project with a dollar! Unfortunately, he only has options of $25 and $50 - for which you'd get one or two bird houses.

He's also got a website, http://woodshacks.com

Monday, September 22, 2014

Technology: The Speaker Pod

https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/speaker-pod is the URL for an IndieGoGo campaign for the Speaker Pod, a speaker about the size of a smart phone, except a little thicker, which is a wireless speaker. "Big sound in a small package."

This campaign is scheduled to end on 29 October, 2014.

The user simply turns on the Speaker Pod then turns on his or her smarthphone and places it on top of the Pod. The sound comes flowing out.

is their video on YouTube.

If you love to listen to music on your smartphone, check this out. According to their campaign page, the speaker pod is all ready to go into production (meaning it's gone through the design and testing stages, they just need the funds to produce it.)

They're accepting pledges as low a $1, so if you like the idea, help them out.


The audience for this magazine is those individuals who have the discretionary funds to make pledges to back small businesses, entrepreneurs, and people who need help paying their medical bills or frankly...any worthy cause.

We visit a crowdfunding site every couple of days or so, and drill down into the topics to find a campaign of interest which we will share here.

We also have a video channel where Crowdfunder Magazine appears as a videozine.