Tuesday, January 20, 2015

England: The Rucksack Appeal

The Rucksack Appeal is not a crowdfunding campaign, but it's a good cause and so I thought I'd feature it here.

http://www.aokrucksackappeal.org.uk/ is their URL.

Their goal is to collect rucksacks (or backpacks, as we say in the States), fill them full of necessities, and give them to the homeless.

They also hold money-raising events.

They're holding some campaigns that my UK readers might find of interest - I take the liberty of sharing them here.

Please submit poetry around any aspect of homelessness to aokrucksackappeal@gmail.com with a disclaimer giving the rights to AOK.Closing date 31/01/15

We will be holding an art exhibition around all aspects of homelessness in St Stephens church Bournemouth at the beginning of July. More details to follow .

Kaiser Chiefs Concert - BIC 10/02/15
We need 18 people to bucket collect all evening from 7.00 -10.00 approx. Two lucky people on the night will be picked to have two free tickets and will watch the show, 16 will collect. Interested?email: aokrucksackappeal@gmail.com

The Kaiser Chiefs are an indie rock band with quite a following.

So, check out the website of the Rucksack Appeal, and do what you can to help them out.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Help Seniors Keep their Homes clean in MPLS, MN

The URL for this IndieGoGo campaign is:


Kamberlyne Kyne Cleaners (Cleaning with kindness) is a new company that serves the MPLS/StPaul area (aka the Twin Cities) and the surrounding suburbs.

They're seeking funds to help launch their business, which as an adjunct is going to help out the seniors around the Twin Cities keeping their homes clean.

If you have a senior citizen loved one who isn't quite able to clean their home like they used to, for whatever reason, Kyne Cleaners wants to be the people you'll call.

This sounds like a worthy cause, so check it out and pledge a few dollars if you feel so inclined.

http://vimeo.com/116514047 to view their slideshow.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Take a look at the Smart Backbrace

 is the URL for the Smart Back Brace, which has 26 more days to run.

The campaign video is below:

Description from the page

The Smart Back Brace (SBB) is the posture-correcting device. In physical usage it is similar to many other clavicle braces available on the market. However, what sets it apart is the “smart” part that actually trains your upper body muscles while you are wearing it. At the heart of SBB is the tiny electronic unit that continuously monitors the tension on the straps. Using patented technology, it is able to accurately determine when the wearer is hunching. When this happens it notifies him or her by vibrating. The goal of using the SBB is to train the wearer to keep his or her shoulders back without any assistance.

Many people deal with bad posture. This back brace could be invaluable. Check it out!